Following the release of mumax3.10, the DyNaMat group organized a mumax3 workshop
as part of the Online Spintronics Seminar Series
organized by the IEEE Magnetic Society.
The recordings and slides of this workshop can now be used as an in-depth tutorial.
If you have a Windows or Linux PC with a CUDA-enabled graphics card of NVIDIA:
Try to download the latest version of mumax3 from
In session 2, we explain in detail how to run this mumax3 executable.
If you are already a mumax3 user, we recommend to use mumax3.10 or a later version.
If you do not have access to a machine which has a CUDA-enabled graphics card:
You can still follow the tutorial sessions.
In case you also want to try out the examples for yourselves, you can run mumax3 in Google Colab for free, if you have a Gmail account.
We prepared a Jupyter notebook to get mumax3 up and running in a Google Colab session:
Below is a list of suggested reading material for those who want to familiarize themselves with computational micromagnetics:
The workshop consisted of 4 sessions. For each session, the presentation slides, video recordings of the live presentations on VidGrid, and any relevant mumax3 input scripts are available below.
A list of questions which were asked live during the workshop can be found here.
General introduction to micromagnetics in mumax3.
The mumax3 ecosystem, workflow and a first simulation.
Basic examples.
Advanced features and more extensive examples.
If you can run mumax3 on your system, then you should be able to run this notebook locally on your machine.
It is also possible to run the notebook in a google colaboratory session