/***************************************************************** Description: This mumax3 script computes the total energy of a relaxed single domain state in a ferromagnetic cube as a function of the side length of the cube. This file is written for the mumax3 workshop organised for the spintronic seminar series in the summer of 2020. For more information go to https://www.mumax.ugent.be/mumax3-workshop Authors: Dr. Jonathan Leliaert (jonathan.leliaert@ugent.be) Dr. Jeroen Mulkers (jeroen.mulkers@ugent.be) ******************************************************************/ N := 64 setgridsize(N,N,N) Lmin := 8.0 Lmax := 9.0 Lstep := 0.05 L := Lmin setcellsize(L/N,L/N,L/N) Msat = sqrt(2/mu0) Aex = 1.0 Ku1 = 0.1 anisU = vector(1,0,0) m = uniform(1.0, 0, 0.001) tableadd(E_total) tableaddvar(L,"L","") for L=Lmin ; L<=Lmax; L+=Lstep { setcellsize(L/N,L/N,L/N) minimize() tablesave() }