/***************************************************************** Description: This mumax3 scripts simulates the switch of a spin-torque MRAM stack consisting of a fixed layer, spacer and free layer, using the Slonczewski model. This file is written for the mumax3 workshop organised for the spintronic seminar series in the summer of 2020. For more information go to https://www.mumax.ugent.be/mumax3-workshop Authors: Dr. Jonathan Leliaert (jonathan.leliaert@ugent.be) Dr. Jeroen Mulkers (jeroen.mulkers@ugent.be) ******************************************************************/ // geometry sizeX := 160e-9 sizeY := 80e-9 sizeZ := 5e-9 Nx := 64 Ny := 32 setgridsize(Nx, Ny, 1) setcellsize(sizeX/Nx, sizeY/Ny, sizeZ) setGeom(ellipse(sizeX, sizeY)) // set up free layer Msat = 800e3 Aex = 13e-12 alpha = 0.01 m = uniform(1, 0, 0) // set up fixed layer polarization angle := 20 px := cos(angle * pi/180) py := sin(angle * pi/180) fixedlayer = vector(-px, -py, 0) // set up fixed and spacer layer parameters lambda = 1 Pol = 0.5669 epsilonprime = 0 // send current Jtot := 0.008 // total current in A area := sizeX*sizeY*pi/4 jc := Jtot / area // current density in A/m2 J = vector(0, 0, jc) // schedule output & run autosave(m, 100e-12) tableautosave(10e-12) run(1e-9)