/***************************************************************** Description: This mumax3 script simulates a thermal gradient driven domain wall in a permalloy nanostrip. This file is written for the mumax3 workshop organised for the spintronic seminar series in the summer of 2020. For more information go to https://www.mumax.ugent.be/mumax3-workshop Authors: Dr. Jonathan Leliaert (jonathan.leliaert@ugent.be) Dr. Jeroen Mulkers (jeroen.mulkers@ugent.be) ******************************************************************/ SetMesh(256, 16, 1, 5e-09, 5.e-09, 20e-09, 0, 0, 0) Msat = 800e3 Aex = 1e-11 alpha = 0.1 //define regions for i :=1;i<198;i++{ defregion(i,xrange(-640e-9+(i+1)*6.4e-9,-640e-9+(i+2)*6.4e-9)) } //define thermal gradient and set thermal seed for i :=1;i<200;i++{ temp.setregion(i,200+i) } Thermseed(12345) m=twodomain(1,0,0, 0,1,0, -1,0,0) relax() //remove edge charges BoundaryRegion := 0 MagLeft := 1 MagRight := -1 ext_rmSurfaceCharge(BoundaryRegion, MagLeft, MagRight) relax() //schedule output tableadd(ext_dwxpos) tableautosave(1e-10) //set solver withadaptive timestepping setsolver(5) fixdt=0 run(5e-7)