/***************************************************************** Description: This mumax3 script demonstrates a skyrmion racetrack driven by spin-orbit torques implemented using custom fields This file is written for the mumax3 workshop organised for the spintronic seminar series in the summer of 2020. For more information go to https://www.mumax.ugent.be/mumax3-workshop Authors: Dr. Jonathan Leliaert (jonathan.leliaert@ugent.be) Dr. Jeroen Mulkers (jeroen.mulkers@ugent.be) ******************************************************************/ setgridsize(256,64,1) setcellsize(1e-9,1e-9,1e-9) setpbc(4,0,0) Msat = 580e3 Aex = 15e-12 Dind = 3.0e-3 Ku1 = 0.8e6 AnisU = vector(0,0,1) alpha = 0.1 m = neelskyrmion(-1, 1).transl(-40e-9,0,0) minimize() //Define constants alphaH:=0.15 e:=1.6021766e-19 d:=1e-9 Ms:=580e3 hbar:=1.0545718e-34 p:=Constvector(0,-1,0) SOTxi:=-2.0 J_SOT:=abs(-2.e11) //Define prefactors aj and bj aj := Const(J_SOT*(hbar/2.*alphaH/e/d/ms)) bj := Mul(aj,Const(SOTxi)) // Add damping-like SOT term dampinglike := Mul(aj, Cross(m,p)) AddFieldTerm(dampinglike) AddEdensTerm(Mul(Const(-0.5),Dot(dampinglike,M_full))) // Add field-like SOT term fieldlike:= Mul(bj,p) AddFieldTerm(fieldlike) AddEdensTerm(Mul(Const(-0.5),Dot(fieldlike,M_full))) autosave(m,1e-10) tableAutosave(1e-11) tableAdd(ext_bubblepos) run(2.5e-9)